In 08/2024, I embarked on an exchange program in Finland, attending Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, a partner institution of Shenzhen Technology University. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, encountering a vibrant array of new people and immersing myself in diverse cultural experiences.
On the fourth day of our journey, we visited a town nestled within the forest. The buildings and amenities were well-developed, clean, and convenient. We watched a sports competition distinctly different from those in China, as people of all ages participated enthusiastically. Even elderly individuals joined the race, their faces adorned with joyful smiles. Later, we ventured into the forest with a local guide, picking blueberries as a snack and savoring the tranquility of this secluded moment.
In 09/2024, a group of international students from Switzerland visited our campus. I warmly welcomed them and guided them on a tour around our school.